Rural houses in Andújar – Jaén

Rural houses in Andujár – Jaén

One more reason for living in Southern Spain is not its beaches or seafood but its rural environment. You can find them in the upper cities of the interior provinces like Jaén. One of these cities is called Andujár, located in the north of Jaén, capital city. From there we show you two options of Rural houses.

Andujár and the Rural houses

Nowadays the concept of Rural houses comes not precisely for the age of the houses or the materials used in the construction. Rural houses are all kinds of houses that are built in a very true rural environment. Andujár has good examples of these Rural houses.

Option 1

Our first suggestion is a rural property of 150 sq. meters. It has 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, one nice multicolor equipped kitchen, living room with fire place and air conditioning, laundry, backyard and a swimming pool. Two of the bedrooms are doubles. The third can be used as a main bedroom. All the windows of this houses has metal grid. The price set for this house is 240.405 €. You can contact to Leader House España at +34 957529280.

Option 2

The second suggestion is more attractive moreover if you need more bedrooms. It’s about a 200 Sq. meters Rural house with 6 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. That makes this Rural house a nice one is its spacious bedrooms. The living room has a lovely fireplace to keep you warm in winter seasons. The prices set for this Rural house is just 125.000 €. The Real Estate Company is the same, Leader House España.

These Rural houses in Andújar are the best options for you to encounter yourself with the nature of Southern Spain.

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