Properties for less than 150.000 € in Nerja

Properties for less than 150.000 € in Nerja

Sometimes we set a limit for something we need to buy. It also happens when buying a property. If you are looking for Nerja as a place to live, let’s advise you some suitable options for your wallet.

Reasons to live in Nerja

Nerja is located in the Eastern extreme of Malaga. It’s the place where possibly the man has left his oldest track in Cueva de Nerja with rock art of 42.000 years old. Between many monuments and places of interest in Nerja you can’t miss the followings: Cueva de Nerja, of Europe, Eagle Aqueduct, Chapel of Sorrows, Church of El Salvador, Church of Wonders and the Sugar Industry Ingenio San Antonio Abad.

Options for properties in Nerja

But we also are looking for properties for less than 15.000 €. Let’s check some interested options:

  • A flat in Nerja: 75 m², with 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen equipped and a big living room. From this flat you can have the best views of the sea and the mountains. The price is set at 110.000€. Your contact is Unicasa (Málaga Cristo de la Epidemia) calling at +34 952 121570.
  • House in road Frigiliana: 80 m², with 2 bedrooms, two bathrooms, 2 floors, kitchen equipped, two big terraces, and a big living room. Everything is new like its swimming pool. The price is set at 120.000 €. You can contact to Unicasa (Málaga Cristo de la Epidemia) at +34 952 121570.
  • House in Calle Real N° 49 (Maro): 89 m², with 3 bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen, little backyard and small terrace. Maro is a town near the coast. The price is set at 130.000 €. You can contact to Manolo at +34 653 338913.

Then you have three options for properties in Nerja if you think to live in there and spend less that 150.000 €.

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