Before renting or buying a house in Southern Spain

There are many places in the Southern Spain that you can rent or buy, but you must be careful at the moment to make a deal. Once you have selected the zone you want to live or set you seasonal vacation you have to choose the right house. Here, there are some tips for you to remember at the moment you check your next apartment or house.

Don’t be superficial

One mistake of the future owner is to look only the outside. You have to check every thing from the entrance door to the last corner of the house.

When you get a house, it is supposed that you receive a good condition property. In the case you won’t, you will lose time in repairing or fixing, even though the landlord pays for the costs.

Before signing any contract it’s important to check the floor, walls, water and drainage piping, electrical connections, etc. Everything must be ok before you live in.


You must assure that the house or apartment is free of debts. Electrical and water fares must have been paid for the seller, unless it’s thought to be discounted for the house price or rent.

When you rent or buy a house or apartment, they have to be ready to start living, but you need to be smart and check for every minimum detail before sign the contract.

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