The beauty of Palos de la Frontera

The beauty of Palos de la Frontera

When we are asked about Southern Spain as a place for living, we usually think of Malaga, but we forget places like Palos de la Frontera. Before looking for a property in Palos de la Frontera, let’s talk about its main touristic sites and the importance worldwide.

Palos de la Frontera is located in the southwestern province of Huelva in Andalusia. This city is well known as the “Cuna del Descubrimiento de América” (cradle of the Discovery of the Americas). From Palos de la Frontera Christopher Columbus and the Pinzón Brothers sailed the first travel from Europe to the Americas. The Pinzón Brothers are natives of Palos de la Frontera. This is why many of the touristic places and monuments are related to the Discovery of the Americas.

Sites related to the Discovery of the Americas

With a visit in Palos de la Frontera you can see the followings main sites related to the Discovery of the Americas:

  • The house of Martín Alonso Pinzón.
  • Monument to Martín Alonso Pinzón.
  • Old hospital of Mercy.
  • San Jorge Mártir Church.
  • Monument to Pinzón Brothers.
  • The Fontanilla fountain.

Main sites of Palos de la Frontera

But also you can visit these main sites:

  • Commander Ramón Franco Square.
  • Prince Park.
  • Christ of the Blood’s monument.
  • Americas’ Avenue.
  • Castell of Palos.
  • The viewpoint of the port.
  • La Calzadilla dock.
  • Peña del Viento Park.
  • The Caravels’ dock.

Then, you can find peace and relaxation through the natural attributes of Palos de la Frontera. Then, you have: Mazagón beach, seaport of Mazagón, Lagunas de Palos Natural Park and the botanical garden of José Celestino Mutis.

Palos de la Frontera as the cradle of the Discovery of the Americas is a good reason for looking for a southern Spain house.

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