Houses for rent in Alicante during holy week

Houses for rent in Alicante during holy week

Holy week in Alicante begin in March. Then, it follows in April, mainly in the first week. You can find in Alicante a place for vacation. An entirely month sounds a good idea. Choose April. You just only need houses for rent to select where to stay, watch the holy week of Alicante and visit the most relevant touristic places in that city.

Holy Week and tourism in Alicante

If you think to rent a house for April you will see the followings events:

  • Wednesday, April 04, 2012: Procession by the cofradía of “Santísimo Cristo del Hallazgo”. Church San José de Villafranqueza.
  • Thursday, April 05, 2012: “Triduo” by the cofradía of “Santísimo Cristo del Hallazgo”. Church San José de Villafranqueza.
  • Friday, April 06, 2012: Procession by the hermandad Nuestro Padre Jesús y Santo Sepulcro. Cathedral Sa Nicolás de Bari.

But in the rest of the month you can spend part of your time visiting the main sights as Santa Barbara Castle, Basilica of Santa María, Castle of San Fernando, Defense towers of the Fuerta de Alicante, Co-cathedral of St. Nicholas of Bari, etc.

Options of houses for rent

There are houses for rent anywhere in Alicante. But you must choose wisely upon of the numbers of rooms you will need.

  • One bedroom, 40 Sq m, one bathroom, location: District 1, Rent: 350 €/m. Contact to rent to Alicante Alquila, +34 966088674.
  • Two bedroom, 90 Sq m, one bathroom, Location: District 1, Rent: 450 € /m, Contact to rent to Aralis Real Estate, +34 965146077.
  • Three bedrooms, 144 Sq m, two bathrooms, Location: District 1 (7th floor), Rent: 525 €/m, Contact to rent to Central de Alquileres, +34 966377930.

You can choose between these houses for rent when deciding to visit Alicante for this April 2012 or anytime.

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