How to get your house in southern Spain safe from fire

When you buy a house in southern Spain you must check the possibilities that may exist to start a fire and how to get safe from it. If you get a plan in advance you not only will be safe from injuries but also be safe from loosing your investment in housing.

The material and finishes

Most of houses from southern Spain are made of concrete and bricks. This is a kind of relieve for you. But the problem comes with the finishes. As more wooden material it has, there is more possibility to feed a fire. In consequence, the kitchen is the worst place to have too much wooden furniture, more over, close to the stove.

Carpets are nice, but don’t abuse of them. The weather of Andalusia is so charming that it isn’t necessary to fill the entire living room floor with carpets if you think of get warm. Remember that the material they are made could be flammable.

Things to do to prevent a fire

A fire is possible if there are these elements: flammable material, oxygen and a source of heat. Besides, there are many possibilities to star a fire. Most common, it is due to an electrical cause. So if you buy a second hand house, you must check the electrical connections by a qualified electrician and change every thing that could cause a fire (loose wiring, burnt electrical outlet, etc.). Check also, the gas piping and make the improvements for make closing the system easily in the case of a fire.

As you cleaned and painted the house before living, you might have used flammable products. So, don’t put them anywhere. You must find a place well ventilated for storage them. The worst place is the kitchen. Furthermore, you must keep matches and candles out of the reach of children.

In addition, the best moment to buy a fire extinguisher is when everything is ok. Then you must refill it annually and keep it in a place where every body knows where it is. Don’t forget to buy a flashlight also.

Remember, that the many actions you can take to protect your life and your investment of a house in southern Spain now will be worth in the future.

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